
C&C Jewelry Mfg Inc has put Environmental Initiatives in place

Details of C&C Jewelry Mfg Inc (“C&C”) Sustainable development goals, including Recycling program implements, are as follows:

  • C&C has recently increased our office recycling procedures to include all aluminum cans, plastic bottles, and paper, as well as plastic bags used for our products.
  • C&C has increased our frequency of pickups of recycled materials with our trash collection company. They recycle all our aluminum, cardboard, and glass products.
  • C&C has also contracted a paper shredding company to shred and recycle all our office paper usage as needed, as well as recycling all our ink toner cartridges.
  • C&C has also now use recyclable plastic bags used in the packing and delivery of our product to our customers.
  • C&C has also use Waste Water Management System to filter and clean all our wastewater before it leaves the building to storm drain.
  • C&C continues to implement and improve all our Sustainable development goals.
  • C&C has minimized use of toxic chemicals that are used in Jewelry manufacturing.
  • C&C encourages ride sharing as well as public transportation.
  • C&C uses energy more efficiently. C&C switched to LED low consumption light bulbs.
  • C&C considers near sourcing. We try to use local labor and local sources.
  • C&C ships goods more efficiently. C&C is shipping goods by the boat versus plane to reduce shipping charges

Signed/endorsed: Dmitriy Moskalenko – Controller

Date of effect: 8/15/24


Contact Information

DATE: 8/15/24
REPORTING PERIOD: 8/15/2023-8/15/2024


C&C JEWELRY MFG INC have the following policies in place detailing our commitment to respect human rights throughout our supply chain, and our supply chain due diligence on the following minerals: gold, silver, platinum group metals, diamonds, originating from conflict-affected and high-risk areas. C&C JEWELRY MFG INC endorse these policies to our suppliers and stakeholders by distributing them via link to policy on our website.

To support supply chain due diligence and human rights, we have implemented the following internal measures. The senior manager responsible for overseeing supply chain due diligence and human rights is Dmitriy Moskalenko- Controller. To aid us in identifying our human rights impacts we have developed and implemented systems which include documented procedures, which include identification of key stakeholders, salient risks, as well as risk assessment, recordkeeping, and assignment of key personnel to diligence activities.

C&C JEWELRY MFG INC have established a system of controls and transparency over our supply chain, which include our approach for identifying suppliers and their activities via a formal Know Your Counterparty process, which includes and identifying refiner/smelter point for sources of our gold, silver, platinum group metals. We request information on origin of diamonds from suppliers.

As a company we communicate our expectations regarding human rights and supply chain due diligence via email with suppliers and staff, onsite postings, and company website.

We have an open-door policy, where internal stakeholders may approach Controller with issues or concerns related to human rights or supply chain. Internal and external stakeholders may also report grievances by emailing Controller at DMITRIYM@CCJEWELRY.COM., as noted in our website. To date, we have not received any grievance reports. In the event of a grievance, we would proceed to investigate and where applicable, communicate outcomes to the reporter.


We have identified key stakeholders as follows: 1) Internal (our own workforce, as we do not employ contractors at this time) 2) external: our local community and direct suppliers. We determined that salient risks applicable to our internal stakeholders include Work Hours, Discipline, Harassment, Child Labor, Sexual Harassment, Forced Labor, Discrimination and Health and Safety. Salient risks for direct suppliers, given the context of their operations and location, include Forced Labor, Health and Safety, Child Labor, Work Hours. We determined that our potential to impact human rights is tied to manufacturing facilities. Risk to local community include environmental impacts, in the event if a chance in our operations.

We assess our own and supplier’s due diligence practices and those relating to human rights by which include review internal policies and procedures, feedback from stakeholders to identify potential risks. We leverage our suppliers’ participation on third party certifications and/or audits that include identified salient risks in scope to identify actual and potential impacts.

During our assessment of our own practices relating to human rights, we did not identify actual impacts. As mitigation/prevention measure, we made internal updates as needed. During the review of our supplier’s practices (those for which detailed information was available), we did not identify impacts. However, where risks/non-conformances were reflected in audit results, we reviewed corrective action status and evidence. We reviewed our on activities to make a determine if we could have contributed to impacts.

We identify our immediate suppliers through our KYC process. When selecting new suppliers and vendors, to the extent possible, we look for suppliers that are certified against the RJC COP. We source our precious metals from suppliers in LBMA Good Delivery list (and LPPM when applicable), RMI RMAP Compliant Smelter list, RJC CoC certified entities, sources conformant with OECD Guidelines. For our natural diamond supply chain, we require that our diamond suppliers confirm with the requirements of KP and WDC SOW. Regular inquiries regarding sourcing categories (e.g. known producer sources) are sent to suppliers. We review location and routes of our suppliers and determine risk for sourcing from CAHRAs.

We have documented procedures for risk identification, including regular review of supplier human rights and supply chain information.


As applicable, our risk assessment findings are received by upper management. We have documented risk management plan and activities in our Supply Chai Due Diligence Procedures and Human Rights Due Diligence Procedure. C & C Jewelry Mfg. Inc. will follow OECD recommendations when managing identified risks of adverse impacts in its supply chain. C & C Jewelry Mfg. Inc. will work with its direct supplier to obtain further visibility into the supply chain and implement a mitigation plan according to the findings. C & C Jewelry Mfg. Inc. will request its supplier to leverage supplier’s relationships where mitigation activities necessitate involvement of upstream stakeholders. Controller will be responsible for following up on progress and updating.

Since the implementation of the procedure, risk management activities have not been needed, as we have not identified red flags of actual adverse human rights impacts

Controller is primarily responsible for human rights and supply chain due diligence activities. Employees receive communication on human rights policy, and policy is posted onsite.

C&C JEWELRY MFG has a grievance mechanism in place, where stakeholders can report grievance via email posted on our website. To date, we have not received any grievance reports.

C&C JEWELRY MFG INC has joined the RJC in April 2016 and has since achieved one 3-year certification.

In support of our continuous improvement journey, our next third-party RJC audit against the RJC COP 2019 is scheduled to take place on September 2024.